Workshop with Joe Buissink

There isn’t really all that much to say about what happened to me this Monday, it was just, well, a lot. Workshop with Joe Buissink, an amazing wedding photographer – he has Jennifer Lopez, Christina Agiulera, Christina Applegate and many many more on his list, however that didn’t seem to important to him, not to anyone else either – it was just all about emotions.  One of his books is called “From the Heart” and that’s how I felt his view on photography is, it should come from the heart. This man had so many important wisdoms to tell and I don’t believe I have really processed all my impressions from the day just yet. I will sum it up at some point but here’s a few favourites from a short photo session during the workshop.

The beautiful models Kristina & Jessica are from NMG models and did a great job in cold wind, hail and dealing with 20 photographers…




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