There isn’t really all that much to say about what happened to me this Monday, it was just, well, a lot. Workshop with Joe Buissink, an amazing wedding photographer – he has Jennifer Lopez, Christina Agiulera, Christina Applegate and many many more on his list, however that didn’t seem to important to him, not to anyone else either – it was just all about emotions. One of his books is called “From the Heart” and that’s how I felt his view on photography is, it should come from the heart. This man had so many important wisdoms to tell and I don’t believe I have really processed all my impressions from the day just yet. I will sum it up at some point but here’s a few favourites from a short photo session during the workshop.
The beautiful models Kristina & Jessica are from NMG models and did a great job in cold wind, hail and dealing with 20 photographers…
Karin LindénHar du kopplat hjärna, hjärtat och lungorna till din avtryckarknapp på kameran? det verkar så. Dessa bilder känner, tänker, pulsar och andas. Jag tror att Joe dånar när han ser detta.
Inframe Photography SwedenWow Sara, vilka fiiiina bilder!!! Fantastiska!
Kristina MatildaHej Sara! Tack för senast och superfina bilder! Så roligt att se allas resultat! Det var jättekul att träffa och jobba med er allihopa! 🙂
SaraTack sååå mycket för era fina kommentarer! Guld värt! Kristina du har mail 🙂